Page 31 - Acrobat J Trad-21-3-2566
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514 วารสารการแพทย์แผนไทยและการแพทย์ ทางเลือก       ปีที่ 21  ฉบับที่ 3  กันยายน-ธันวาคม 2566

           including an inhibition on leukocyte (neutro-  OLP is challenging for most clinicians as it is
           phils, lymphocytes and macrophages) infil-  difficult to achieve complete resolution and

           tration, which leads to a suppression of the   disease reoccurrence is also very common.
           production and the release of pro-inflammatory   Time is needed to explore other options, prob-
           mediators.  Accordingly, corticosteroids is   ably with better clinical safety and therapeutic
           widely accepted as the most effective treat-  efficacy.
           ment of erosive OLP with a success rate of up      Curcuminoids (a group of polyphenolic
           to 75% in eliminating mucosal erythema or   pigment extract from the rhizome of Cur-

           ulcerations and alleviating pain. Topical mid-  cuma longa) or curcumin (a major constituent
           potent corticosteroids preparations [such as   contained in curcuminoids powder) is one
           triamcinolone acetonide (TA) oral paste/solu-  of the most promising of the new treatment

           tion, 0.1% fluocinolone acetonide oral paste/  modalities. Curcuminoids or pure curcumin
           gel/solution or 0.05% dexamethasone elixir]   has been known widely as a potent anti-

           are the standard treatment in treating mild to   oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent as well
           moderate erosive OLP as side effects are fewer   as being a powerful enhancer of wound
           than with systemic administration. However,   healing. [7-10]  It was also found to possess anti-

           oral candidiasis is a very real considerations   bacterial activity against oropharyngeal and
           for prolonged use.  Systemic antifungals    upper respiratory tract bacterial pathogens
           with nystatin suspension of 1:100,000 units   and antifungal activity against C. albicans. [11-12]
           are usually used to treat candidiasis in OLP   Accordingly, topical curcuminoids or cur-
           patients, which present many economic and   cumin oral paste or gel has been suggested

           health related challenges in terms of high   to be a potential alternative to topical cortico-
           cost of treatment and potential side effects   steroids oral paste in treating OLP due to its
           respectively, especially in cases of long-term   safety and potential therapeutic benefits. [13-14]

           use. Besides, cultures or histologic sections   Nevertheless, no studies have been under-
           from 46% of OLP patients were found positive   taken to evaluate the clinical efficacy of topi-
           for fungi and more than 80% of yeast found   cal curcuminoids or curcumin preparation on

           in those patients was Candida albicans.     candida-associated OLP and the recurrence of
           In addition, a disease recurrence rate of 20% in   the disease. Our previous in vitro study  found

           patients undergoing topical 0.1% TA ointment   that the addition of chitosan in the curcumin
           was observed during the follow up period of 6   mouthwash caused the mouthwash to have
           months.  Currently, management of erosive   comparable anti-candida efficacy to a standard
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