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J Thai Trad Alt Med                                    Vol. 21  No. 3  Sep-Dec  2023  509

            cal activities in vitro and in vivo need to be   The 12  article, Callus Induction and Ros-
            conducted for a long time before moving on   marinic Acid Production of Helicteres isora

            to clinical trials in humans.               L., involves the resolution of inconsistency in
                 The ninth article, Comparison of Cyto-  the production of active ingredients of H. isora
            toxic Activity against Gastrointestinal Can-  plant, or po bit in Thai, by developing a suitable
            cer Cell Lines of Basella alba L. and Basella   callus culture media formula in the production

            rubra L. Extracts, shows that the extract   of rosmarinic acid. The amount of the active
            from fresh B. rubra (phak plang daeng in Thai)   ingredient obtained is 4.5-fold higher than that

            with 95% ethanol and further with chloroform   obtained from naturally grown po bit and 31-
            has the highest cytotoxic activity against   fold higher than planted po bit pods. The po
            gastrointestinal cancer cell lines. The extract   bit tissue culture has a several advantages, i.e.

            can be further analyzed to determine active   fewer steps than naturally growing the plant,
            ingredients for use in lab animal testing and   no need for chemical pesticides, less heavy

            toxicity testing, and for further development as   metal contamination from soil, and less mi-
            herbal products.  The 10  article, Antibacterial   crobial contamination from the use of external
            and Antioxidant Activities of Shallot (Al-  raw materials. Thus, it is a method for getting

            lium ascalonicum) Extract in Lablae District,   a high-quality raw material for producing vari-
            Uttaradit Province, suggests that shallot ex-  ous products that can effectively enhance the

            tract has antioxidant activity and can inhibit   economic value.
            the microbial growth of Staphylococcus aureus,      This issue has two review articles. The
            S. epidermidis, and Bacillus cereus. The ex-  first article, Herbal Extract Preparation Pro-

            tract may be further developed for enhancing   cess, is the collection of information from a lot
            the value of shallots.  The 11 article, Antioxi-  of international textbooks and journals. The
            dant and Nitric Oxide Inhibitory Activities   information has been written superbly after

            of “Ya-Kae-Lom-Utthang-Ka-Ma-Va-Ta’’ Thai   having reviewed the matter in all aspects; so
            Traditional Medicine Formula in ATDC-5      the article on herbal extract preparation has
            Cell, indicates that the extract has antioxidant   been presented in a concise and clear manner.

            activity and anti-inflammatory activity through   It is thus extremely valuable in the field of Thai
            the inhibition of nitric oxide production related   traditional medicine and medicinal herbs. The

            to knee osteoarthritis (KOA). Thus, it can be   second article, Selection of Thai Traditional
            further developed as a KOA therapy, but many   Medicines Formulas for Treatment of Mus-
            more relevant studies are to be undertaken.    culoskeletal Disorders, is a systemic review of
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