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510 วารสารการแพทย์แผนไทยและการแพทย์ ทางเลือก ปีที่ 21 ฉบับที่ 3 กันยายน-ธันวาคม 2566
basic information on Thai traditional medicine Tripitaka’’ by Phra Paisal Visalo. The ceremo-
formulas for treating musculoskeletal disor- ny was held during the Kathina festival period.
ders; and the information is useful for further And the dhamma preacher (dhammakatuek)
studies and development of such formulas. points out that the aim of Kathina robe and Pha
The preliminary report part has only one Pa robe offerings are different. Pha Pa offering
article, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammation and has a broader objective and can be held any
Stability Properties of Ya Thappayathikhun time during the year, while Kathina offering
Formula Extract Extract. It covers an effort aims for making an offer to the wat (Buddhist
to study traditional drug formulas using the monastery or temple) and the monks in the wat
modern pharmacological method with very during the one-month period after the end of
complex steps and details. The results include the Buddhist Lent or Rains Retreat. The fourth
only basic and preliminary information; so fur- one is a Special Lecture on the International
ther studies have to involve various variables Day of Older Persons. This year, the article
and extraction methods prior to developing is a short explanation of the annual themes of
drug formulas. the United Nations and Thailand, which is a
The miscellaneous part of this issue has “juggling with words’’ in the Thai style and
five articles. The first article is on betel or Piper difficult to understand. So a short explanation
betle leaf extract from the Thai Herbal Phar- has been done within a 3-minute timeframe.
macopoeia. The second one is still the Diction- The final part is the Journal Club having
ary of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Volume four stories about betel.
2 (Chinese-Thai-English). The third one is the
Dhamma Talks at the community Pha Pa Robe See you again in the next issue.
Offering Ceremony on “Plant Varieties in the
Dr. Vichai Chokevivat