Page 86 - วารสารปีที่15ฉบับที่2
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              Table 1. The ISP2, SSP1 and the structures corre-  The signaling points
                     lation in the cadavers.
                                                              In the volunteers, ISP1 could be palpated
              Points   Muscles      Vessels  Nerves (N)   at the base of U in the anterior axillary fold of

                                                          the pectoralis major muscle. In the cadaver,
              ISP2   biceps brachii  brachial  median
              SSP1 infraspinatus  suprascapular           ISP1 was located at the 3rd part of the axil-
                                                          lary artery (AA, Figure 8). This point was

                                                          confirmed by pressing in the volunteer, which
                                                          led to a diminishing of the radial arterial pulse
              Points considered to be both massage points
                                                          (Table 2).
              and SPs
                                                              ISP3 could be palpated at the bicipital
                   In the volunteers, the radial arterial pulse  aponeurosis and brachial arterial pulse in the

              could be palpated at the Poed Pratu Lom Point  volunteers. In the cadaver, ISP3 corresponded
              (ISP2). After removing the arm skin from the  to where the median cubital vein and bra-

              cadavers, the Poed Pratu Lom Point was seen  chial vessels were situated in the cubital fossa
              between the short head of the biceps brachii  under the bicipital aponeurosis. Deeper dis-
              muscle (SBB) and the medial head of the tri-  section showed the articular capsule, namely

              ceps brachii muscle (MeTB), where the bra-  the humeroulnar and humeroradial ligaments
              chial vessels and median nerve (MN) de-     of the elbow joint (Figure 9 and Table 2).
              scended to the elbow joint. This was con-       In the volunteers, the flexor carpi radia-

              firmed by pressing on this point in volun-  lis (FCR) tendon could be palpated at ISP4.
              teers, which led to a decrease in the radial  At superficial level dissection in the cadaver,
              arterial pulse (Table 1).                   ISP4 was seen between the medial border of

                   The BSP or SSP1 could be palpated at   the FCR and palmaris longus (PL) tendons
              the lateral margin of the scapula in the vol-  and the lateral border of the brachioradialis

              unteers. Removing the skin from the cadaver  (Bra) tendon. At an intermediate level, ISP4
              showed that BSP and SSP1 were at the in-    was located at the superior part of the flexor
              ferior border of the infraspinatus muscle at a  digitorum superficialis (FDS) muscle, where

              location adjacent to the superior border of  the median nerve (MN) descends through the
              the teres minor muscle, where the supras-   deep surface of the FDS. After deeper dis-

              capular vessels and the suprascapular nerve  section, ISP4 location was found to correspond
              pierce and supply the infraspinatus muscle  to the anterior interosseous artery (AIA), and
              (Figure 7 and Table 1).                     the anterior interosseous nerve (AIN), which
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