Page 84 - วารสารปีที่15ฉบับที่2
P. 84


                   1) Points considered to be both mas-   The vertical line passes through the poste-

              sage points and SPs (ie. Poed Pratu Lom     rior axillary line, whereas the horizontal line
              point, ISP2, BSP, and SSP1)                 passes through and lies behind the end of

                   Poed Pratu Lom (‡ªî¥ª√–μŸ≈¡) point is  the deltoid muscle (Figure 2). OSP3 is adja-
              located at the middle point of the medial arm  cent to the lateral epicondyle, while the arm
                                    [1,4,5]                                                 o
              that corresponds to ISP2   (Figure 1).      flexes at an angle of approximately 90  (Fig-
                   BSP is the intersecting point between a  ure 4). OSP4 is the point adjacent to the medial
              vertical line passing through the posterior  epicondyle, while the arm flex at an angle of
              angle of the acromion process and a poste-  approximately 90 . OSP5 is the intersecting
              rior horizontal axillary line approximately 1  point between an imaginary vertical line and
              fingerbreadth (2 cm) below the posterior    horizontal line. The vertical line passes
              axillary fold that corresponds to SSP1      through the midline of the forearm, whereas
              (Figure 2).                                 the horizontal line is drawn approximately two
                   2) Signaling points                    fifths of the way down the forearm from the

                   ISP1 is the intersecting point between  lateral epicondyle, when the arm is flexing at
                                                                                     o [1, 5]
              a vertical line passing through the anterior  an angle of approximately 135     (Figure
              angle of the acromion process and an ante-  4).

              rior horizontal axillary line adjacent to the   SSP2 is the intersecting point of a verti-
              anterior axillary fold (Figure 3). ISP3 is the  cal line passing through the lobule of the ear

              middle point of the elbow joint and lies in  with a horizontal line drawn adjacent to the
              front of the elbow (Figure 3). ISP4 is the middle  angle of the chin (Figure 5). SSP3 lies ap-
              point of the forearm and lies in front of the  proximately one fingerbreadth inferior to SSP2.

              forearm (Figure 3). ISP5 is approximately 1
              fingerbreadth (2 cm) above the carpal joint,
              and lies in front of the forearm  (Figure 3).
                   OSP1 is the intersecting point between
              a vertical line passing through the posterior

              angle of the acromion process and a poste-
              rior axillary line with a posterior horizontal
              axillary line adjacent to the posterior axillary
                                                          Figure 4 Posterolateral aspect of a right upper limb
              fold. OSP2 is the intersecting point between       showing the locations of OSP3 (3) and
              an imaginary vertical line and horizontal line.    OSP5 (5).
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