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muscular origin and proximal parts of the approved by the Ethics Committee of
arteries penetrating into muscles. SPs were Mahasarakham University (Ref. no 016/2016).
found along the muscular origins, where the Participants were 42 anatomically unremark-
artery and nerve branches enter and supply able Applied Thai Traditional Medicine stu-
them (motor points). In the lower limb, both dents (10 males, 32 females) and 5 cadavers
MPs and SPs were found along the border of (3 male, 2 females) of Thai nationality. The
the iliotibial tract, where the arteries and dimensions of the thumbs and heels of the
nerves pierce and supply the muscles and hands were measured using a tape measure
associate with the hip joint. BLs follow the and mean values were calculated (CTTM prac-
longitudinal arrangement of the muscle from tice in the upper limbs involves use of the
the origins to the insertions, and parallel the thumb and heel of the hand to press on points
course of the artery and nerve that correspond and lines.). These values were used to locate
to the border of the iliotibial tract . points, BLs and SPs in the upper limbs in
Studies correlating CTTM with anatomi- this study.
cal structures are few in number. Our previ- The MPs, SPs and BLs were located and
ous study focused on the lower limbs only, marked on the 4 upper limbs of two healthy
while the upper limbs have not yet been stud- volunteers (1 male, 1 female) and 10 upper
ied. Therefore, this study sought to deter- limbs of five cadavers by a specialist in
mine how anatomical structures of the upper Applied Thai Traditional Medicine to deter-
limbs correlate with the MPs, SPs, and BLs mine the effects of applying pressure to the
of CTTM. Detailed knowledge of this correla- same points and lines of the upper limbs.
tion will help CTTM practitioners locate the The cadavers were dissected according to
correct points and lines for therapeutic mas- laboratory guidelines based on Cunninghamûs
sage, and promote a deeper understanding Manual of Practical Anatomy. Massage points
of how CTTM relates to tissues and organs in the upper limbs comprise the Poed Pratu
of the body. Lom points, basic points for shoulder mas-
sage (BSP) and all of the signaling points (SPs).
These were the inner signaling points 1 to 5,
This study was performed in the outer signaling points 1 to 5, and the
Anatomy Laboratory at the Faculty of Medi- shoulder signaling points 1 to 5. Important
cine, Mahasarakham University, Thailand positions were categorized as described
from January to May, 2016. The study was below.