Page 82 - วารสารปีที่15ฉบับที่2
P. 82


              CTTM involves the use of thumb(s) and hands

              to apply pressure to the Massage Points (MPs),
              The Signaling Points (SPs; important points

              located along the points and basic massage
              lines that can be used in therapeutic mas-
              sage according to the coordinates points of
              CTTM)    . MPs of the upper limbs comprise
              Poed Pratu Lom points (points on the blood

              vessels used for distribution of blood flow and
              heat to the peripheral organs, Figure 1) and
              basic points for shoulder massage   (BSP,
              Figure 2).
                   SPs are important points for manual    Figure 2 Posterior aspect of a right upper limb show-
                                                                 ing the locations of BSP or SSP1 (S), OSP1
              therapy in CTTM. According to Sen‹ Prathan
                                                                 (1), and OSP2 (2).
              Sib (ùsibû means ten, and ùsen prathanû means
              primary energy line)  theory of Thai tradi-
              tional massage, SPs distribute blood flow and

              regulate blood and heat throughout the up-
              per limbs. There are 50 SPs in the whole body,
              with 15 of these located in the upper limbs  Figure 3 Anterior aspect of a right upper limb show-
               . SPs in the upper limb comprise inner sig-       ing the locations of ISP1 (1), ISP2 (2),
                                                                 ISP3 (3), ISP4 (4) and ISP5 (5).
              naling points (ISPs), which are numbered 1-5
              (Figure 3), outer signaling points (OSPs) also
              numbered 1 to 5, and shoulder signaling
                                                                                     [1, 5]
                                                          points (SSPs) numbered 1 to 5  .
                                                              Basic massage Lines (BLs) are impor-
                                                          tant lines for relaxation and preparation for

                                                          CTTM. BLs of the upper limb comprise a ba-
                                                          sic line of the inner forearm (BLIF), a basic
                                                          line of the outer arm (BLOA), and a basic line
              Figure 1 Anterior aspect of a right upper limb show-
                                                          of the outer forearm (BLOF)  . One previous
                     ing the locations of Poed Pratu Lom point
                     (A) and BLIF (a to b).               study has shown that MPs correspond to the
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