Page 81 - วารสารปีที่15ฉบับที่2
P. 81



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                          Introduction                   the muscle belly, tendons and the attachment
                 Court type Thai traditional massage     points of the muscles ), Lom Prabh (≈¡ª√“∫)
             (CTTM) is a very important component of Thai  (idiopathic diseases that give rise to the
             Traditional Medicine. It combines hot herbal  muscle inflammation and atrophy, respec-
             compress and therapeutic massage to treat   tively  ), Lom Lam Bong (≈¡≈”∫Õß) (joint in-
                                                 [1-3]                                       [1-3])
             several CTTM diseases of the upper limb  ,  flammation caused by food and climate
             namely paralysis, frozen shoulder, Lom Phai  and Sannibaat ( —ππ‘∫“μ) (wrist paralysis

             Phat Tha Khat (≈¡ª≈“¬ªí춓μ) (diseases      caused by poor blood circulation of the hand
             caused by blood clots in the blood vessels of  with long term contact low temperature ).
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