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             Figure 10 Deeper dissection of a left upper limb showing the location of ISP5 in relation to the anterior in-
                     terosseous nerve (AIN), and where the anterior interosseous artery (AIA) is seen entering the muscle
                     pronator quadratus (PQ) muscle. IM, interosseous membrane; MeE, medial epicondyle; RA, radial
                     artery; UA, ulnar artery.

             Figure 11 Deeper dissection of a right arm showing the location of OSP1 corresponding to the axillary nerve to
                     teres minor. This was seen entering the teres minor (TMi) and supplying it. D, deltoid; LoTB, long
                     head of triceps brachii, LTB; lateral head of triceps brachii; PCHA, posterior circumflex humeral artery;
                     QS, quadrangular space; TMa, teres major; TMi, teres minor.

             Figure 12 Deeper dissection of a left arm showing the location of OSP4 corresponding to the humeroulnar joint
                     of the elbow. CP, coronoid process; MeE, medial epicondyle; RH, radial head; S, supinator; Tro,
                     trochlear of humerus; TUN, trochlear notch of ulna.
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