Page 94 - วารสารปีที่15ฉบับที่2
P. 94


              emerges from the distal border of the supina-   SSP1 in the upper limbs was the point

              tor muscle and then descends behind the IM  where the suprascapular vessels and nerve
              (Table 3).                                  enter the infraspinatus muscle, while the OSP2

                                                          in the lower limbs was the point where the
                                                          superior gluteal vessels and nerve enter the
                   Anatomical structures were normal in   tensor fascia latae muscle . Massage at these
              the participants, and no differences were   points should be undertaken with care in
              detected between participants of male and   patients because it may damage the arter-

              female.                                     ies, nerves and lymph nodes.
                   The BLs of the upper limbs are found       Additional points present in the lower
              along the longitudinal arrangement of muscles  limbs were the OSP2 (hip joint), the ISP4 (knee

              from the origins to the tendons, and also the  joint) and the OSP3 (the penetrating point of
              vessels and nerves supplying the muscles.   the sciatic nerve to the inferior border of the
              This is a similar arrangement to the loca-  piriformis muscle) . Cadaver dissection in-
              tions of BLs in the lower limb .            dicated that comparable points were not
                                                          present in the upper limb because the SPs in
              The points that are considered to be both
                                                          the upper limb did not correlate to joints or
              massage points and SPs
                   In the upper limbs, the Poed Pratu Lom
                                                          The SPs
              points (ISP2) correspond to the BA whereas
              the Poed Pratu Lom points in the lower limbs    SPs present in the upper limbs such as
              correspond to the femoral artery. Similar re-  OSP3 (humeroradial joint), OSP4 (humeroulnar

              sults are obtained if a Poed Pratu Lom point  joint), ISP3 (between humeroradial and
              is pressed, this leading to a decrease in the  humeroulnar joints) and SSP5 (glenohumeral

              radial and dorsalis pedis arterial pulse, re-  joint). Cadaver dissection indicated that com-
              spectively .                                parable points were not present in the lower
                   In the upper limbs ISP2 corresponds to  limb because the SPs in the lower limb did
              the BA, while in the lower limbs ISP4 corre-  not correlate to joints .
              sponds to the popliteal artery. Similar effects  Vessels and nerves in the upper limb
              are obtained if ISP2 or ISP4 is pressed, this  such as BA and MN at ISP3 or the AA at

              leading to a decrease in the radial and dorsa-  SSP5 moved down through the joints. Those
              lis pedis arterial pulse, respectively .    structures were not present in the lower
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