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Figure 13 Deeper dissection of a right upper limb showed that OSP5 corresponds to the PIN with PIA emerging
from the distal border of supinator (S). APL, abductor policis longus; Br, brachialis; Bra, brachioradialis;
ED, extensor digitorum; EPL, extensor pollicis longus; LBB, long head of biceps brachii; RN, radial
nerve; TB, triceps brachii.
Figure 14 Deeper dissection of the left side of the neck showing the location of SSP2 (2) and SSP3 (3) in
relation to the nerve roots from C5-C7 emerging between the scalenus anterior (ScA) and scalenus
Medius (ScM) muscles. CN XI, accessory nerve; EJV, external jugular vein; IJV, internal jugular vein;
Omo, Omohyoid muscle; Sterno, sternocleidomastoid muscle.