Page 92 - วารสารปีที่15ฉบับที่2
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              lateral epicondyle to the annular ligament of  on the posterior border of the sternocleido-

              radius and when dissected at the RCL, the   mastoid muscle and related to the occipital
              humeroradial ligament of the elbow joint was  triangle where the cutaneous nerve from the

              found in the deepest layer (Table 2).       cervical plexus emerges from the posterior
                    At OSP4 in the volunteers, the medial  border of the lower third of the sternocleido-
              epicondyle could be palpated at the medial  mastoid muscle. After dissecting deeper, the

              epicondyle of the humerus. In the cadavers,  spinal accessory nerve pierced underneath
              OSP4 corresponded to the origin of the hu-  the sternocleidomastoid muscle and inner-

              meral head of the pronator teres muscle.    vated it. Deeper dissection showed that the
              Deeper dissection showed the ulnar collat-  nerves roots C5-C7 emerging between the
              eral ligament (UCL) radiates from the medial  scalenus anterior and scalenus medius

              epicondyle to the base of the coronoid pro-  muscles correspond to SSP2 and SSP3 (Fig-
              cess of the ulna. When dissecting at the UCL,  ure 14 and Table 2).
              the humeroulnar ligament of the elbow joint     In the volunteers, the subclavian arte-

              was present (Figure 12).                    rial pulse could be palpated at SSP4. In the
                   In the volunteers, the fleshy part of the  cadavers, SSP4 was located at the platysma
              extensor digitorum (ED) muscle could be pal-  muscle. When the muscle was dissected at

              pated at the point OSP5. This point could be  this point, SSP4 corresponded to the subcla-
              confirmed by massaging, which led to ex-    vian triangle at a location adjacent to the

              tension of the middle finger. In the cadavers,  superior border of the inferior belly of the
              OSP5 was located at the fleshy part of the  omohyoid muscle. Deeper dissection showed
              ED where the RN ramified to supply the sur-  the nerve trunks of the brachial plexus were

              rounding muscles. After dissecting deeper,  under the inferior belly of the omohyoid
              the posterior interosseous nerve (PIN) and  muscle where the third part of the subcla-

              posterior interosseous artery (PIA) emerged  vian artery continued into the axilla through
              from the distal border of the supinator muscle  the outer border of the first rib. This was
              (Figure 13 and Table 2).                    confirmed by pressing at SSP4, which led to

                   In the volunteers, SSP2 and SSP3 could  a decrease in the radial arterial pulse (Table 2).
              be palpated at the posterior border of the ster-  The axillary arterial pulse could be pal-
              nocleidomastoid. In the cadavers, these points  pated in the volunteers at SSP5. In the ca-

              lined the platysma muscle. When this muscle  davers, SSP5 was at the apex of the axillary
              was removed, SSP2 and SSP3 were situated    fossa where the axillary vessels and the axil-
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