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Journal of Thai Traditional & Alternative Medicine                         Vol. 7 No. 1 January-April 2009  ÚÛ

             Effects on hematological parameters                kg/day of TLE were significantly increased; there were
                 The number of RBCs in the male rats receiving  no gross pathological and histological alterations of
             TLE at the dose of 2,000 mg/kg/day and in the 2000R  these organs.  The increase of kidney weights in this
             group was significantly decreased when compared    study was consistent with the study of Wisitpongpan
             with that of their control group.  Male rats receiving  et al., that rats receiving rang chuet leaf extract at
             TLE at doses of 1,000 and 2,000 mg/kg/day and the  500 mg/kg for 28 days had significant increases in
             2000R group had significantly increased MCV values.  the weight of both kidneys.   Despite the statistically
             MCH values for male rats treated with 2,000 mg/kg/  significant decrease in RBCs in male rats receiving
             day of TLE and those of the 2000R group were sig-  TLE at 2,000 mg/kg/day and in the 2000R group, these
             nificantly higher than those of their control group  alterations were still within the normal range.    Al-
             (Table 3).  Female rats receiving TLE at doses of 1,000  though the MCV values of male rats receiving TLE at
             and 2,000 mg/kg/day showed significant increases in  doses of 1,000 and 2,000 mg/kg/day were significantly
             WBC numbers (Table 4).                             higher than that of the controls, and showed a ten-
                                                                dency toward a dose-dependent response and the
             Effects on clinical chemistry parameters           MCH value of the male rats receiving TLE at 2,000
                 Male rats receiving TLE at doses of 1,000 and  mg/kg/day was significantly higher than that of the
             2,000 mg/kg/day had significantly higher albumin lev-  control group, these values were within the normal
             els than their control group.  The bilirubin level of  range.    The increases in WBCs in female rats re-
             male rats receiving TLE at the dose of 2,000 mg/kg/  ceiving TLE at doses of 1,000 and 2,000 mg/kg/day
             day was significantly higher than that of the control  were consistent with the reports of Wisipongpan et
             group (Table 5).  The ALT level of the female rats  al. and Techakitiroj,  that is, they revealed a sig-
             receiving the highest dose of TLE was significantly  nificant increase in WBCs in rats treated with rang
             lower than that of their control group, whereas the  chuet extract.  Therefore, this phenomenon may be
             bilirubin level was significantly increased (Table 6).  attributed to TLE.  The increase in albumin levels in
                                                                male rats receiving TLE at doses of 1,000 and 2,000
             Effects on histopathological alterations of visceral  mg/kg/day and the decrease in the ALT level in fe-
             organs                                             male rats treated with the highest dose of TLE were

                 Necropsy revealed no remarkable gross lesions  within the ratsû normal range.    The significant
             in any organs of both male and female rats receiving  increases in total bilirubin levels in both sexes of rats
             each dose of TLE, including their corresponding con-  receiving TLE at the highest dose were consistent
             trol groups.  The incidence and degree of histopatho-  with the study of Techakitiroj.   In addition,
             logical alterations in some organs of the TLE-treated  Wisitpongpun et al. reported an increase in conju-
             male and female rats did not show any dose-depen-  gated bilirubin in rats receiving rang chuet extract
             dency (Tables 7 and 8).  There were no remarkable  for 28 days.   The mechanism of this change defi-
             histopathological lesions in other organs of the TLE-  nitely remains unknown; however, these alterations
             treated groups and their controls.                 were within the normal range.   The incidence and
                                                                severity of the histopathological findings in some or-
                               Discussion                       gans of the rats receiving TLE (Tables 7 and 8) had

                 There was no significant difference in body    no correlation with the doses of TLE given; therefore,
             weight and food consumption of rats treated with   these changes may not be due to TLE.
             TLE, suggesting that TLE does not adversely affect      In conclusion, the chronic toxicity study of TLE
             the general health status of such animals.  Although  extract at doses ranging from 20 to 2,000 mg/kg/day
             the relative weights of spleens in male rats and those  did not affect the body weight, food consumption,
             of kidneys in both sexes of rats receiving 2,000 mg/  behavior and general health of Wistar rats.  TLE did
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