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Journal of Thai Traditional & Alternative Medicine                         Vol. 7 No. 1 January-April 2009  ÚÒ

             Table 4  Hematological values of female rats receiving Thunbergia laurifolia extract for 6 months

                                                      Dose of Thunbergia laurifolia extract (mg/kg/day)
             Parameters             control       20          200          1000          2000         2000R
                                   N = 15       N = 15       N = 15       N = 15        N = 15        N = 15
             Hematocrit (%)       45.57± 2.48  45.70± 1.44 46.31± 2.77  46.38± 2.08  46.10 ± 2.78  47.06± 2.10
                     6       3
             RBCs (×10 cells/mm )  7.87± 0.45  8.02± 0.36   7.97± 0.50   7.88± 0.36   7.78 ± 0.43   8.01± 0.49
             Hemoglobin (g/dl)    15.19± 0.75  15.18± 0.42 15.31± 0.79  15.26± 0.61  15.14 ± 0.92  15.58± 0.60
             MCV (× m /red cell)  57.89± 1.03  56.99± 1.56 58.11± 1.10  58.85± 1.55  59.24 ± 2.00  58.84± 1.77
             MCH (pg/red cell)    19.33± 0.75  18.93± 0.53 19.23± 0.48  19.36± 0.39  19.46 ± 0.52  19.48± 0.64
             MCHC (g/dl RBCs)     33.37± 0.99  33.22± 0.41 33.09± 0.66  32.91± 0.41  32.86 ± 0.36  33.12± 0.42
                      3      3
             WBCs (×10 cells/mm )  1.71± 0.41  2.07± 0.45   2.33± 0.69   2.77± 0.54*  2.46 ± 0.84*  2.23± 0.70
             Neutrophils (%)      18.76± 6.00  18.58± 5.32 16.00± 3.49  22.17± 8.95  20.57 ±12.82  20.26± 9.52
             Eosinophils (%)       1.33± 0.69  1.32± 0.74   1.26± 0.69   1.24± 0.70   0.97 ± 0.43   1.28± 0.69
             Lymphocytes (%)      70.45± 8.27  66.93± 9.02 74.35± 5.83  69.18±10.82  70.23 ±13.01  68.18± 13.08
             Monocytes (%)         7.10± 3.27  8.27± 5.98   6.47± 5.08   5.31± 2.99   5.95 ± 2.51   8.49± 4.37
             Basophils (%)         2.36± 1.00  2.45± 1.34   1.93± 0.93   2.11± 1.18   2.27 ± 0.87   1.77± 0.84
                       3       3
             Platelets (×10 cells/mm ) 921.33±82.02 926.07±73.75 949.51±146.13 916.60±81.77 995.43 ±69.71 941.07±117.86
               Note : The values are expressed as mean ±± ±± ± SD.
                    *Significantly different from the control group (p<0.05).

             Table 5  Clinical chemistry values of male rats receiving Thunbergia laurifolia extract for 6 months
                                                      Dose of Thunbergia laurifolia extract (mg/kg/day)
             Parameters            Control        20          200          1000          2000         2000R
                                   N = 15       N = 15       N = 15        N = 15       N = 15        N = 15
             ALP (U/L)           58.13± 8.64  57.40± 8.86  54.00 ±12.76  56.47±10.22  56.27 ± 7.27  53.20± 4.68
             ALT (U/L)           33.20± 6.70  41.53±24.65  35.27 ±15.41  26.93± 9.25  24.60 ± 3.60  30.53± 7.94
             AST (U/L)           79.73± 9.11  94.93±34.90  85.87 ±21.32  74.87±11.78  8.60 ± 8.17  82.20±10.50
             Total protein (g/dl)  6.71± 0.29  6.85± 0.25   6.91 ± 0.46  6.80± 0.34   6.90 ± 0.36   6.89± 0.21
             Albumin (g/dl)       4.39± 0.19   4.49± 0.12   4.45 ± 0.11  4.60± 0.13*  4.62 ± 0.17*  4.43± 0.12
             Bilirubin (mg/dl)    0.06± 0.03   0.09± 0.03   0.07 ± 0.03  0.08± 0.02   0.10 ± 0.04*  0.7 ± 0.03
             BUN (mg/dl)         18.09± 2.23  18.10± 2.65  19.59 ± 2.53  19.25± 1.95  19.54 ± 2.05  18.31± 2.20
             Creatinine (mg/dl)   0.75± 0.08   0.73± 0.07   0.78 ± 0.07  0.74± 0.07   0.75 ± 0.06   0.73± 0.05
             Glucose (mg/dl)    172.24±29.35 165.33±23.77 181.00 ±37.13 189.43±48.37 185.62 ±37.08 172.43±18.75
             Uric acid (mg/dl)    1.99± 1.55   1.91± 1.19   2.37 ± 1.53  2.75± 1.85   3.12 ± 1.81   1.87± 0.89
             Triglyceride (mg/dl)  131.90±44.29 108.04±24.87 112.43 ±38.70 103.17±22.27  99.15 ±27.92 135.33±38.04
             Cholesterol (mg/dl)  71.63±14.26  64.83±12.52  65.06 ± 9.25  64.86±10.94  71.08 ±20.56  76.59±13.98
             Sodium (mmol/l)    145.87± 1.18 147.73± 1.98 147.33 ± 1.88 147.24± 1.83 147.07 ± 1.39 147.73± 1.39
             Potassium (mmol/l)   5.23± 0.97   4.85± 1.05   4.95 ± 1.07  5.72± 1.06   6.35 ± 1.22   5.25± 0.80
             Chloride (mmol/l)  107.93± 1.71 109.47± 1.85 109.13 ± 1.25 109.60± 1.96 109.27 ± 1.67 109.87± 1.68*
              Note : The values are expressed as mean ±± ±± ± SD.
                   *Significantly different from the control group (p<0.05).

             Effects on relative weight of organs               control group (Table 1).  Female rats receiving TLE at
                 Male rats receiving TLE at the dose of 2,000   the highest dose had a significant increase in rela-
             mg/kg/day showed significant increases in relative  tive kidney weight compared with the controls
             spleen and kidney weights when compared with the   (Table 2).
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