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             degrees of artistic intention to a wider audience.  gaged in the art process.
                 There are other reasons to consider why art is      5. Art functions as a holding environment and
             healing and therapeutic. The following brief outline  transitional space  that bridges internal and external
             explicates other considerations for the therapeutic and  realities thereby holding, within the language of art,
             healing potentials of art:                         the widest spectrum of human affect.
                 1. Art allows for hidden internal experiences to    Langer  builds on these five therapeutic quali-
             be seen outwardly. This reification or concretization  ties of art by describing the drive to find accurate
             of inner experience allows for inner emotional states  esthetic language for feelings.  For Langer,  art was a
             to be known and outwardly contemplated.            practice of giving feeling to form.  In fact, Langer
                 According to Langer,  art enables one to objec-  considered art the most accurate language for hu-
             tify subjective experiences, and subjectify objective  man emotion, as its primary function is to articulate

             experiences within a unique framework for imaginal  feelings through form.  In part, this drive is satisfied
             freedom.                                           when truthful lines, shapes, colors, and textures, known
                 Also, according to Kramer,  art fosters a sense  as the elements of design, are utilized to contain and
             of mastery as yet to be seen conflicts are re-experi-  express human emotion.  These elements serve as
             enced, formed, concretized, viewed, and re-authored.  the fundamental building blocks of artistic visual lan-
                 2. Art is a way to edit old behavioral patterns  guage, or symbolic speech,  which ultimately en-
             and build, repair, and rehearse new behaviors. This  ables  the artist to give feelings structure and out-
             new perspective fosters innovative views of a novel,  ward appearance.   Furthermore, these expressive
             emerging self-image.   Furthermore, these older be-  elements of design, such as rough and smooth tex-
             havioral patterns along with harsh inner critical mes-  tures and warm and cool colors, are flexible enough
             sages can be confronted and reworked through art.  to contain and communicate the full range of human
                 3. Art is a way to make unconscious material   emotion.
             pre-conscious so that it is manifest, yet still veiled by  It would seem then that there is a human drive
             symbol and metaphor.                               to create, çto make special,é which is believed by
                 Art therefore allows for symbolic metaphoric com-  some to be a hard-wired biological trait of the human
             munication and dialogue with emotionally rich mate-  species.   The creative impulse, with its will to mani-
             rial. Thus, art is a way to send oneself, as well as  fest the unseen, has offered profound contributions
             others, messages.   It is a method that gives one  to our collective cultural history.  Throughout the ages,
             permission to think out loud, as well as engage in an  the arts have helped humankind to reconcile the end-
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             internal self-dialogue.                            less challenges intrinsic to the human condition.
                 Art also invites one to participate in the content  Art therapists are addressing this inherent creative
             of the creative process, such as Wallasû stages of prepa-  drive as a form of medicine wherein imagination min-
             ration, incubation, illumination and elaboration  as  isters to the deepest internal calling of people to strive
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             well as active and receptive states of doing/mani-  for personal and cultural health.
             festing and reflecting.                                 Moreover, visual relationships of form and con-
                 4. Art initiates a process of subtle and overt  tent, process and product, which directly relate to
             forms of decision-making.  Art therefore is evidence  our inner sensations, is known as isomorphism.   The
             of an assertive act  that requires cognitive, affective,  notion of isomorphism, that external art forms are
             and somatic layers of choice-making.  The whole per-  similar in structure to the inner state of the artist, is
             son, including both hemispheres of the brain, is en-  an important concept that helps to explain why art is
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