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             Journal of Thai Traditional & Alternative Medicine             Vol. 6  No. 3  September-December  2008
                         ªï∑’Ë ˆ  ©∫—∫∑’Ë Û  °—𬓬π-∏—𫓧¡  ÚııÒ
                                                                                  Vol. 6 No. 3 September-December 2008
                                                                                           Special Article

             Toward an Understanding of the Fundamental

             Healing and Therapeutic Qualities of Art

             Michael  Franklin*
             Taylor  Siemon*

                           This paper addresses questions of how and why art is therapeutic. Core principles from the art therapy
                       literature are cited as a way to clarify how art, which includes expressive engagement with  processes, materi-
                       als, and products, can be a complete and primary therapy for people seeking to confront and relieve their
                       suffering. Special attention is devoted to Edith Kramer’s ideas on art as therapy and sublimation.
                       Key words:  art as therapy, Edith Kramer

                             Introduction                       goals. As these goals are achieved, immediate feed-
                 One overarching question that drives the focus  back is obtained from the process itself, reinforcing
             of this paper is how does experimentation with art  the fact that persistence yields desirable, even plea-
             materials and art processes offer a continuum of thera-  surable, results. Similar to the artistûs personality,
             peutic and healing outcomes for people across the  Csikszentmihalyi   addressed the autotelic persona-
             developmental and cultural spectrum? There are many  lity as one where there is complete reward in doing
             reasons to consider which would help to explain these  an act that initiates the flow experience. Addition-
             results. For example, according to Allen  internal trans-  ally, Csikszentmihalyi clarifies how happiness is re-
             formation through art results by maintaining sustained  lated to the capacity to absorb oneself in what one is
             efforts of immersion in charged emotional material,  doing.   The result of these sustained efforts over
             over time, which eventually becomes the subject    time is an accumulation of inner resources  that are
             matter for completed works of art. It is this continued  uniquely forged in the fires of creative work. For
             immersion in the creative process that cultivates in-  example, the art process teaches tolerance of ambi-
             ner resources known as ego strengths  as well as the  guity and management of frustrations as ideas are
                      3                 3
             flow state.   Csikszentmihalyi,  as well as many art-  considered over time, edited, and manifested into vari-
             ists, describe flow as a condition of effortless engage-  ous compositional possibilities. Through sustained
             ment devoted to an outcome with specific, definable  creative investigation, visual symbolic material is even-
             *Graduate Art Therapy Program, Naropa University, Denver, Colo-  tually contained in honest unified compositions
               rado, United States of America                   known as çformed expressioné that communicates

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