Page 39 - Acrobat J Trad-21-3-2566
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522 วารสารการแพทย์แผนไทยและการแพทย์ ทางเลือก ปีที่ 21 ฉบับที่ 3 กันยายน-ธันวาคม 2566
tify which intervention they received. Never- matory mediators involved in inflammation [7]
theless, it needs to be in keeping with the TA and a modulation of sirtuins activity which
formulations as a clear, colorless solution to further activates transcription and expression
avoid any impact on the therapeutic efficacy of inflammatory markers. In addition, it has
and safety of the mouthwash as the US FDA been claimed as a powerful enhancer of wound
has approved that a yellow color (tartarzine and healing by modulating cell proliferation, colla-
sunset yellow) has antimicrobial activity. gen synthesis and decreasing reactive oxygen
In addition, tartarzine has been reported to ex- species. As oxidative stress and inflamma-
ert an antioxidant property whereas sunset tory factors play important roles in the patho-
yellow has been found to exhibit an immuno- genesis of OLP, curcuminoids or curcumin
modulatory property. Moreover, both dyes may offer potential benefits in treatment of
may cause an allergy. OLP. A previous randomized, double-blinded,
Only 2 of the 20 patients included in placebo-controlled trial of oral curcuminoids at
the clinical study were male which reflected a dose of 2,000-6,000 mg/day in OLP patients
similar results presented in previous studies for 2-4 weeks had shown a controversial
that women were more prone to OLP than result of no detectable effect and significant
men. The age range of patients included efficacy in controlling signs and symptoms
in the study and the severity of the disease of OLP which may be related to an extremely
corroborated with the literature showing a poor bioavailability of curcuminoids that
higher prevalence of OLP in the age groups need a high-dose of oral administration. [24-25]
between 30-60 years and that erosive reticular Consequently, the idea of using topical cur-
(mild/marked erythema) type OLP was most cuminoids is more interesting and viable in
commonly found. In the present study, cultures management of OLP. A randomized controlled
from 80% of patients in each intervention trial in evaluating the efficacy of a topical 5%
group were found positive for C. albicans. curcuminoids oral paste in treating OLP by
Either curcuminoids or pure curcumin applying it three times a day for four weeks
has been known widely as a potent antioxi- compared with that of 0.1% TA oral paste
dant agent due to its free radicals scavenging showed that no statistically significant differ-
activity and activation of the Nrf2-ARE path- ence was noted between the two interven-
way which prevent the decline of antioxidant tion groups. Notwithstanding, patients
enzyme activities. It has also been shown preferred TA paste to curcuminoids due to the
to exhibit potent anti-inflammatory efficacy undesirable yellowish color of curcuminoids
through an inhibition on the activity of various particularly on exposed areas, and it had a
pro-inflammatory enzymes including inflam- burning sensation that might have affected