Page 96 - วารสารกรมการแพทย์แผนไทยฯ ปีที่ 14 ฉบับที่ 3
P. 96


                  Background and Rationale              cal marker for quality control of both herbal

                 Andrographis paniculata (Burmann filius)  material and herbal medicinal product and it
             Nees, also known commonly as çKing of      is required that the content of andrographolide

             Bittersé, is a member of the plant family  should be not less than 1.0 %w/w, as deter-
             Acanthaceae, and has been used for centu-  mined by HPLC-UV method.  However, the
             ries as traditional medicine in Asia and   standard method described for sample pre-

             Scandinavia for prevention and treatment of  paration remains unchanged and reflux extrac-
             fever, dysentery, diarrhea, inflammation, sore  tion has been used since 1995 up to now.
             throat, and snakebites.   Furthermore, it is    Reflux extraction is the most widely used
             a promising new way for the treatment of   conventional technique for the extraction of
             several serious diseases, including HIV , and  diterpenoids from A. paniculata (Burmann fi-
             numerous symptoms associated with immune   lius) Nees. However, it causes the consump-
             disorders.    The main active constituents  tion of large amounts of volatile and ha-
             of A. paniculata (Burmann filius) Nees include  zardous organic solvents, needs long extrac-

             flavonoids and diterpenes, especially labdane  tion times and consumes more energy. Fur-
             diterpenes such as andrographolide, dehy-  thermore, the extraction efficiency of diter-
             droandrographolide and neoandrogra-        penoids by conventional extraction method
                     [17-20]                                            [25,26]
             pholide.      The local plant name of      is not satisfactory   and might not be ap-
             Andrographis paniculata (Burmann filius)   plicable in routine quality control analysis for

             Nees in Thailand is çFa-Tha-Laié or çFa-Tha-  most of the Thai traditional medicine manu-
             Lai-Choné. çFa-Tha-Lai-Choné is included in  facturers since they do not equip with labo-
             the Thai National List of Essential Medicines  ratory facility to perform reflux extraction. Use

             and is classified as çHerbal Medicinal     of harmful chemicals and large amounts of
             Productsé for the treatment of diarrhea, sore  solvents also cause environmental pollution
             throat, and common cold.  çFa-Tha-Laié has  and health hazards to laboratory personnel.
             been established in the Thai Herbal Pharma-  Therefore, it is important to improve conven-
             copoeia (THP) since 1995 as herbal material  tional extraction technique and establish an
             while that of the herbal medicinal product  efficient, simple and rapid extract method for

             (Fa-Tha-Lai Capsules) has been established  the assay of andrographolide content in Andro-
             since 2004.   According to the THP mono-   graphis herb and herbal medicinal product.
             graphs çFa-Tha-Laié and çFa-Tha-Lai             Ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction
             Capsulesé, andrographolide is used as chemi-  (ultrasonication) is a modified maceration
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