Page 6 - วารสารกรมการแพทย์แผนไทยฯ ปีที่ 10 ฉบับที่ 2
P. 6
«“√ “√°“√·æ∑¬å·ºπ‰∑¬·≈–°“√·æ∑¬å∑“߇≈◊Õ° Journal of Thai Traditional & Alternative Medicine
ªï∑’Ë 10 ©∫—∫∑’Ë 2 情¿“§¡- ‘ßÀ“§¡ 2555 Vol. 10 No. 2 May-August 2012
“√∫—≠ Q Contents
115 °“√»÷°…“ª√– ‘∑∏‘º≈·≈–º≈¢â“߇§’¬ß¢Õß A Comparison of Efficacy and
°“√„™â¬“·§ª´Ÿ≈‡∂“«—≈¬å‡ª√’¬ß°—∫ Ibupro- Side Effects of Knee Osteoarthritis
fen „πºŸâªÉ«¬∑’Ë¡’Õ“°“√¢âÕ‡¢à“Õ—°‡ ∫ Treatments with Crude Derris
scandens and Ibuprofen
»‘…Ø‘§¡ ‡∫Á≠®¢—π∏å Sittikom Benchakanta
»‘«“¿√≥å æÿ∑∏‘«ß»å Sivaporn Puttiwong
πÿ™®√‘π∑√å ∫ÿ≠∑—π Nuchajarin Boontan
¡—≥±π“ «‘®‘μ√ Mantana Wichit
ÿπ∑√ «“ªï Suntorn Wapee
ÿ¥∏‘¡“ °“√ ¡∫—μ‘ Sutima Kansombud
124 μ”√“Õâ“ßÕ‘ß ¡ÿπ‰æ√‰∑¬‹: ¢’ȇÀ≈Á°-„∫ Monograph of Selected Thai
§≥–Õπÿ°√√¡°“√®—¥∑”μ”√“Õâ“ßՑ߬“ ¡ÿπ‰æ√‰∑¬ Material Medica: KHI LEK- BAI
Subcommittee on the Preparation of
Monographs of Selected Thai Materia Medica
130 æ®π“πÿ°√¡»—æ∑å·æ∑¬å·≈–‡¿ —™°√√¡·ºπ Dictionary of Thai Traditional
‰∑¬ (14) Medicine and Pharmacy (14)
§≥–Õπÿ°√√¡°“√®—¥∑”æ®π“πÿ°√¡»—æ∑å·æ∑¬å·≈– Subcommittee on the Preparation of the Dic-
‡¿ —™°√√¡·ºπ‰∑¬ tionary of Traditional Thai Medicine and
140 °“√ª√–™ÿ¡ —¡¡π“°“√π«¥√–¥—∫¿Ÿ¡‘¿“§ World Blind Union Asia Pacific
§√—Èß∑’Ë 11 ¢Õß À¿“æ§πμ“∫Õ¥‚≈° ¿Ÿ¡‘¿“§ (WBU-AP) 11 Massage Seminar:
‡Õ‡™’¬·ª´‘øî° Massage for Better Health
√—™π’ ®—π∑√凰… Rutchanee Chantraket
148 ª√– ∫°“√≥å√—∫°“√π«¥√—°…“‰À≈àμ‘¥ Patient Experience on Thai Tradi-
«‘™—¬ ‚™§«‘«—≤π tional Massage Treatment for
Frozen Shoulder
Vichai Chokevivat
«“√ “√ ‚¡ √ JOURNAL CLUB
152 ∞“ªπ’¬å ‡¢’¬«®’π Thapanee Keawjeen
π—Ëπ »ÿ¿∏’√ °ÿ≈ Sanan Subhadhirasakul