Page 35 - journal_13-1_Full
P. 35
of Surin Province, Thailand. Tabalprai Herbal cially regarding the problems it faced. Dis-
Center is an NGO dedicated to the commu- cussion topics varied; however, they included
nity for the purpose of development, as well mainly understanding of globalization and
as the application of religious principles. This AEC, in the context of how the traditional
NGO center also operates in the area of self- Thai masseurs were prepared to handle AEC
empowerment through interactions between and globalization. Tape recordings and logis-
Western modern technologies and ecological tical support were arranged throughout the
research. FGD, which consequently led to very high-
In this study, the participants were se- quality effectiveness research. Observation
lected from among professionals, such as folk was used in this research in order to exa-
healers and NGO staff members related to mine attentively the life of folk healers. It
Surin or working at the Tabalprai Herbal Cen- opened up opportunities to obtain informa-
ter or related in some other way. The partici- tion that otherwise might have been difficult
pants were equally divided into groups of to obtain or access. Observation enabled the
three, including folk healers, traditional Thai author to perceive and learn about the con-
masseurs, and NGO staff members. The local ditions of traditional healers and their prac-
specialists apply treatments in distinct ways, tices with regard to their patients as well as
besides massaging and using herbs. their adaptation in their community.
For the in-depth interviews, the author
chose informants who had either direct or Results
indirect connection with the Tabalprai Herbal
Perceptions of folk healers about AEC and
Center. Seven traditional healers, ranging in
age from 50 to 75 years, were chosen to par-
ticipate in the research emphasizing a num- Based on the interview, seven folk
ber of criteria. The traditional healers were healers knew that AEC should promote free
those who had healing experience and were trade, reduce import duties, and experience
accepted in the community. They were from international trade, and it would involve va-
Surin and were members of a network of rious resources. However, such factors would
regional traditional healers. be combined to increase bargaining power
For the focus group discussions (FGD), internationally with various regions and sub-
eight traditional Thai masseurs, ranging in regions. Some folk healers were informed that
age from 30 to 50 years, were recruited. FGD it will become more convenient to travel to
were conducted initially to obtain a better other ASEAN countries and that there would
understanding of the vast changes occurring be free trade without taxation. Others recog-
in the local society and the impacts of glo- nized that it would be difficult to prevent rapid
balization and AEC on the community, espe- changes from occurring in society along with