Page 38 - journal_13-1_Full
P. 38
ging holes. However, such practices have there are natural dangers during production,
destroyed the main sources of herbal medi- this will be a risk factor for agriculture to lose
cine. One discussant stated that the folk even more. As farmers continue to live their
healers are trying to maintain the forest and lives in debt, capitalists or banks will, at last,
preserve the herbs, but that was not pos- seize their land if loans cannot be repaid.
sible. - The main impact on the environ-
- Quality development of technology ment is related to the actions of capitalists
and modern medicine have decreased the im- who own land and expand their territory and
portance of traditional folk healers compared in the process affect natural canals. Water is
with the situation in the past. This has led to being used up and destroyed. At the same
a reduction in the role of traditional healers, time, the agricultural production system,
which means that communities will lose the which uses chemical fertilizers and herbicides,
relevant wisdom and production system, be- has been expanding annually. This greatly
liefs, culture and customs. In addition, the affects the climate. There have been changes
communities will lack self-reliance in health in weather conditions that have resulted in
care. major changes in seasons and the bizarre
- Economic growth and marketing çgreenhouse effect.é
concepts may promote consumerism and im- - Education systems and public
pact peopleûs behaviors, including their policy prescriptions which were copied mainly
lifestyles and originality. As a result, people from foreign nations have had a great impact
now tend to crave and purchase goods be- on local people. Everything has declined, in-
yond their needs as they race against time cluding farming. People seem uninterested
and trends to çwin.é However, their life will in learning about the roots of their own his-
be surrounded by acute, chronic stress and tory. The discussants stated that the educa-
anxiety. As physical and mental health work tion system is collapsing as people themselves
together to enhance oneûs ability, they can now find it hard to learn.
be affected by both ideas and thoughts. If
Preparedness of NGO staff members for
such matters are ignored, both physical and
the impact of AEC and globalization
mental health will soon be destroyed. People
would find it difficult to live a simple life which First, with regard to the ecological im-
goes at a slow pace. pacts, the folk healers have to seek solutions
- The impact of economic changes to respond against the negative impacts on
is seen as agriculturalists change the pro- the ecological system. They are the preser-
duction system into that of single planta- vation and restoration of natural resources
tion. This requires high production costs for and the establishment of intellectual rights.
buying chemical fertilizers and herbicides. If Second, regarding the impact on the role of