Page 40 - journal_13-1_Full
P. 40


             settled down and work continuously. Some   and public areas. The capitalist system shapes
             have set up, through their own self-reliance,  production and involves higher costs of pro-
             production bases including for farming, and  duction but does not result in higher prices
             production of organic rice, plants, vegetables,  for products. In the end, bankruptcy is the
             fruit, and herbs. The group looked broadly  only way out. The current ideas and beliefs
             and deeply at the situation depicted in the  of local individuals have changed from having
             area. It was shown that, being a group with  the greatest respect for nature to destroying
             a wider view, the members looked deeply into  it. Based on these previous aspects, elders

             the situation through their creative ideas, and  with local knowledge were quite expressive
             the effects that are visible to them.      about the cultural traditions that then became
                  The study showed that the informants  a good way of life.
             acknowledge and understand well AEC and         However, the community ignores and
             globalization. They provided opinions that,  pays no attention; people lack local roots but
             as a community has to handle changes that  are passionate about consumerism. Therefore,
             come along in terms of AEC and globaliza-  the community should coordinate to recover
             tion, the community should return to its roots  wisdom and its local uniqueness, such as
             and its uniqueness. The majority of massage  traditional healing, growing and using local
             practitioners in this study were young women.  herbs and vegetables, local foods and prac-
             They focused intensely on economic and so-  ticing traditional agriculture. Individuals
             cial changes; however, their occupation re-  should be highly respectful of and depend on
             quires time and patient to work with the pa-  nature.  Moreover, they have to know and
             tients, which may indeed affect family rela-  understand about AEC and globalization be-

             tionships if there is no conversation or clear  forehand.
             understanding.                                  This approach would remove the local
                  The highest number of individuals was  community from the crisis that has dimi-
             concerned about the ecological impacts, and  nished its freedom and even its sustainability.
             those on  the society and on health. By con-
             trast, unhealthy lifestyles and the lack of
             healthful food were found among the Thai-       The aim of the present study was to
             Khmer ethnic group in Surin Province, which  understand the perception of folk healers in
             had been known for the nutritional and me-  Surin Province, as well as individuals related
             dicinal value of its vegetation and native foods.  to both AEC and globalization, regarding their

             It is indeed essential to look through times  awareness and preparedness for the forth-
             past and recall the native ways rather than  coming impacts. The informants were divided
             relying on external factors through the use of  into three main groups as follows: folk healers,
             chemicals that may affect natural resources  Thai traditional masseurs, and NGO staff
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