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             and among local people and other parts of  for this region is based upon the convergence
             the world. Globalization also promotes a glo-  of interests among the ASEAN member coun-
             bal culture adapted to and able to emphasize  tries to deepen and broaden economic inte-
             the attractiveness of peopleûs core significance  gration through existing and new initiatives.
             in a viable fashion.  Moreover, there are ar-  AEC will be characterized by a single-mar-
             guments regarding globalization and the pos-  ket production base, a highly competitive
             sibility that it may trigger the merger of cul-  economic region, equitable economic deve-
             tures so that they will become homogeneous  lopment, and full integration into the global
             through globalized media companies.  Fur-  economy. These characteristics are interre-
             thermore, under the influence of globaliza-  lated and mutually reinforcing.  AEC may
             tion, communities are affected by global capi-  adversely affect traditional healers in rural
             talism, which promotes economic develop-   areas, however, as they may not adapt well
             ment and commercialism. Consequently,      to global capitalization, because it results in
             people in rural areas are mentally, intellec-  devaluing local wisdom and ideas, a process
             tually, and culturally dominated by foreign  that would eventually weaken society. Glo-
             forces.  Heavy exposure to the outputs of  bal capitalism also enhances the conversion
             academic institutions and mass media has   of ideas about traditional herbal medicine and
             become a major factor in villagers seeing  its originality by destroying the ecosystem
             themselves as old-fashioned and uncivilized  and biodiversity, which are the major sources
             beings, which leads to ignorance among them  of traditional medicine, through such mea-
             in the acquisition and use of valuable know-  sures as the conversion of a forest into a mono-
             ledge and wisdom from former days.         crop farm.  In addition to the latter, the com-
                  The concept and development of the    mercial purposes of traditional medicine have
             ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) are         been diverted from attention to preservation
             driven by the demands of globalization, based  of local knowledge toward massive endea-
             on a variety of sources, along with a sum-  vors to utilize such products for profit.  Local
             mary definition within the present study. AEC  traditional healers would find it difficult to
             refers to the integration of the 10 members of  compete with such measures.  Folk medicine
             the Association of Southeast Asian Nations  has equalized cultural diversity and meets
             (ASEAN): Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos,  the needs of the people within Thai society.
             Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore,  Folk medicine is indeed a form of local know-
             Thailand and Vietnam, which is planned to  ledge, a lasting legacy which involves social

             be launched at the end of December 2015.   costs and values. The majority of folk healers
             The purpose of AEC is to contribute to the  treat their patients wholeheartedly without
             economic benefits of all 10 members and fos-  expecting anything in return, such as pay-
             ter unity among them. The creation of power  ment for treatment given. The relationship or
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