Page 51 - วารสารกรมการแพทย์แผนไทยฯ ปีที่ 4 ฉบับที่ 2
P. 51

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                               Research is a kind of investment.  If its result can be utilized, it will be worth the

                      investment.  The objective of this study is to develop the output from the project çGood
                      Agricultural Practice (GAP) for Panjakhan [Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino]é
                      which was a cooperative project between the Department for Development of Thai
                      Traditional and Alternative Medicine, Ministry of Public Health and several public

                      organizations.  The Panjakhan which were cultivated in four local areas i.e. Chiangrai
                      Horticulture Center, Department of Agriculture; Baan Luang Forest, Mae Kum Me Forest
                      and Mae Jam Forest, The Forest Industry Organization, were further studied. This time the

                      development of Panjakhan was carried out in collaboration with three private organizations
                      i.e. Leo Herbs Co., Ltd., Khaokho Talaypu Co., Ltd. and Green Khelang Co., Ltd.  This
                      study makes the private sectors understand the research and development process for herbal

                      products, ensure the quality of crude drug and know how to develop Panjakhan into various
                      health products.  Commercialization of the product can be pursued.  The collaboration
                      between public and private organizations on this project enable each side to understand

                      each other and enable the government organization to serve the need of the private sector
                      better. Furthermore, this collaboration  can be served as a model for future collaboration in
                      research and development in other areas of herb.

                      Key Words : Panjakhan, Collaboration, Product development.


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