Page 20 - วารสารกรมการแพทย์แผนไทยฯ ปีที่ 3 ฉบับที่ 1
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Herbal preparations/extracts are commonly used in Thailand by various commu-
nities to alleviating health problems and strengthening health. Little has been studied on
toxic effects during taking each preparation/extract, including the preparation/extract from
Derris scandens Benth.
D. scandens is a woody vine growing throughout Southeast Asia (1,2). In Thai
traditional medicine, the stem of D. scandens has been widely used as expectorant, antitus-
sive, diuretic, antidysentery, and for health promotion (2).
It has been reported that hydroalcoholic extract of D. scandens stems showed
immunostimulating activities on mouse and human immune cells (3,4). Lymphocyte pro-
liferative response and IL-2 secretion were increased after stimulation of mouse splenic
lymphocytes with the hydroalcoholic extract. Additionally, the extract was shown to stimulate
lymphocyte proliferation and induced IL-2 secretion from normal peripheral blood mono-
nuclear cells (PBMC). Furthemore, the D. scandens hydroalcoholic extract increased natu-
ral killer (NK) cell activities of normal individuals and HIV-1 infected patients in vitro.
Chronic toxicity was performed in rats by orally given the extract at various
concentrations. The 6-months toxicity study indicated that the hydroalcoholic extract was
safe even at the dose of 600 mg/kg/day that was equivalent to 75-100 times over the dose
of humans (5).
Owing to the pharmacological and toxicological profiles of the D. scandens extract,