Page 14 - วารสารกรมการแพทย์แผนไทยฯ ปีที่ 16 ฉบับที่ 1
P. 14


                Quantitative Analysis of Eurycomanone in Eurycoma longjifolia Jack (Root)
                by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
                Jiranuch Mingmuang , Vilailak Chuennang-chee , Apirak Sakpetch ,
                Somchit Niumsakul , Sakwichai Ontong , Nuchattra Chansuvanich *
                *Medicinal Plant Research Institute, Department of Medical Sciences, Tiwanon Road, Nonthaburi 11000, Thailand
                † Corresponding author:

                    Eurycomanone is a quassinoid isolated from the roots of tongkat ali or pla-lai phueak (Eurycoma
                longjifolia Jack, Family Simaroubaceae). It has shown antipyretic, antimalarial, and aphrodisiac activities.
                Since there is no quality control of eurycomanone in tongkat ali root in Thailand, a HPLC method for
                determination of eurycomanone content has been developed and validated. Sample preparation was undertaken
                by refluxing 2 g of powdered drug in 50 ml of methanol for 1 hr, filtering and evaporating the extract until
                it was dry. The residue was redissolved and adjusted with 50% methanol to 10 ml. A 20-μl portion of sample
                solution was injected to HPLC system. The analysis was performed using Atlantis  T3, C18, 4.6 × 150 mm,
                3-μm column; and solvent A, distilled water, and solvent B, a mixture of acetonitrile and methanol (1:1) were
                used as a mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.5 ml/min, and detected with PDA at wavelength 243 nm. Linearity
                was established for the eurycomanone concentration range of 0.06-0.36 mg/ml with a coefficient of determi-
                nation (R ) 0.9995. The recovery rate was in the range of 96%-105%, while HORRAT was in the range of
                1.66-1.96, and LOD and LOQ were 0.0106 μg/ml and 0.0354 μg/ml, respectively. It was shown that this
                developed method was suitable and could be used to analyze the content of eurycomanone in tongkat ali root
                and an appropriate specification of eurycomanone content in tongkat ali root could be established.
                    Key words:  Tongkat Ali, eurycomanone, quantitative analysis, method development

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