Page 45 - วารสารกรมการแพทย์แผนไทยฯ ปีที่ 11 ฉบับที่ 2
P. 45

Journal of Thai Traditional & Alternative Medicine   Vol. 11 No. 2 May-August 2013 149

              Table 4: The average of the impacts on quality of life scores in both groups (Full score was 24 points)

                                                       The impacts on quality of life score (mean ± S.D)

                                                   Pre-                Post-              P-value
              Massage group (n=29)               8.07±3.47           3.03±3.03            0.001*
              Control group (n=30)               8.27±3.52           5.37±2.17           0.0001*

              *statistically significant (p<0.05)

              In the massage group, the pre- pain score in  daily activity, wearing abdominal support
              the second visit was lower than in the first  should be the significant factors for decrease

              visit and in the third visit is lower than in the  lordosis and back pain. To improve the lum-
              second visit respectively. In additional, when  bar lordosis, the women have to build up the
              compared the decreasing level of the pain  strong abdominal muscles.5 Thai massage can

              score between the two groups, the women    relax muscles and increase blood flow to the
              in the massage group had significant de-   back area but could not strengthen the ab-

              creased pain score level than the women in  dominal muscle. It was concluded that Thai
              control group. According to a previous study  massage and taking rest may not have any
              about acupressure and massage in patients  effect on the lordosis scale.

              with lower back pain, the authors concluded     As the impact on quality of life scores
              that acupressure and massage could help    before treatment in both groups were very
              reduction of low back pain. From our study,  high, these could confirm that low back pain
              concluded that Thai massage could reduce   could create a critical problem for the third
              low back pain in the third trimester preg-  trimester pregnancy. Thai massage and tak-
              nancy more effectively than taking rest.   ing rest can relieve low back pain and im-

                  This study could not find any correla-  prove the quality of life score. It was thought
              tion between lordosis scale and low back pain  that because of increasing blood flow and

              in the third trimester pregnancy. We found a  relaxing the back muscle resulting from Thai
              reduction in the lordosis scale after treatment  massage, the women in massage group
              in both groups. However, all of the reduc-  showed a significant improvement in the

              tions in lordosis scale were not more than a  quality of life score.
              half of centimeter which might not have any     There was no serious complication found

              effect on the severity of back pain. The indi-  in Thai massage group in this study. From
              vidual factors such as the womanûs posture,  the study of Jintana Wattanakon et al, the
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