Page 9 - วารสารกรมการแพทย์แผนไทยฯ ปีที่ 4 ฉบับที่ 1
P. 9

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                        1. The place, which is provided for masseuses to sit showing themselves.

                        2. The card of number which each masseuse must have it on a uniform.
                        3. The place, which is provided as non-smoking area.
                        The clientele of a different age range gives the different significance to a
               non-smoking place as mentioned by law, which has a statistical significance as < 0.05.

                        The difference of clienteleûs educational background shows the different
               significance to the place which is provided for masseuses to sit showing themselves, which

               is < 0.05 as the statistical significance.
                        Each customer of a different occupation gives the different significance to the
               factor of having the number of each masseuse, which has a statistical significance as < 0.05.
                        And each customer of a different income gives the different significance to the all

               factors of place, which is provided for masseuses, having the number of each masseuse,
               and the non-smoking place as mentioned by law, which has a statistical significance as < 0.05.


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