Page 69 - วารสารกรมการแพทย์แผนไทยฯ ปีที่ 3 ฉบับที่ 3
P. 69
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From the study, it is found that the said method if the administrators bring it to perform
seriously and continuously in the education place it will be more resulted to the protection
and help of reducing the spreading out drugs in the education place.
The result of hypothetical test is found that sex, age, educational level of students
and parentsû income and education are related to the spreading out drugs in the education
place of Southern region of Thailand. This is in accordance with the hypothesis made.
The students in 14 Southern provinces of Thailand come to the different opinion about
the cause of spreading out drugs in the education place of Southern region of Thailand but
the same opinion in the method of protecting the spreading out drugs in the education place
of Southern region of Thailand.
For the suggestion, it should have the complete study in every province of Thailand
and should divide into each province in order to see the image concretely and be
convenient for protecting and solving the said issue.
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