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The study of spreading out the drugs in the education institution in the southern
region of Thailand is aimed to study the cause of spreading out the drugs in the education
institution in the Southern region of Thailand according to the concept of students which
comes from the personal, social, environmental and education institution parts. It is to
study the methods of the protection of spreading out the drugs in the education institution
in the Southern region of Thailand according to the studentûs concept in the part of education
administration, public relations and treatment. The people and the sample groups at this
time are the students from the level of lower Secondary Education to the level of Higher
Education in the education place from 14 Southern provinces of Thailand. For the period of
academic year 2001, the number of the sample groups used at this time contain 1,445
samples from 42 places. The analytic statistic is composed of the easy statistic, such as :
Average Frequency Distribution and Standard Deviation. For the hypothetical test uses
ki-square and test of variance in the model of Oneway Anova.
From the study,‹ it is found that the level of education income and the number of
persons who look after their parents have a lot of problems which have the impact of the
students themselves leading to trading or consuming drugs and occurring the spreading out
of drugs in the education institution in the future. At present, the students come to the
opinion that spreading out drugs in the education place has only a little which the
administrators in the Administration Section, instructors, guardians and the officers have
cooperated very well about its protection and suppression of spreading out drugs in the
education place of Southern region of Thailand. As a result, it reduces spreading out drugs
in the education place.
The cause of spreading out drugs in the education place of Southern region of
Thailand at the present time will see that the personal, social, environmental and education
place parts are still the causes to occur the spreading out drugs in the education place in the
moderate level, while it has the practical method of protecting the spreading out drugs in
the education place whither in the part of administration, public relations and treatment.