Page 56 - วารสารกรมการแพทย์แผนไทยฯ ปีที่ 3 ฉบับที่ 2
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Panjakhan, or Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino (Cucurbitaceae), has
a great potential for commercialization. It can be developed into various health products.
During the past two decades, there were over 365 patents found on Panjakhan. In Thailand,
Panjakhan cultivation began commercially at small scale more than ten years ago.
However, cultivation area has not been increased. It may be due to marketing problems
and lack of scientific evidence to support the production. The price of crude drug varies
between 700 - 1,000 baht / kg depending on the season, while the one imported from
China was only about 300 baht. Besides, the Thai variety has many quality problems, such
as heavy metal contamination and active principles content. This limits the utilization of
Panjakhan. The main factors effecting the development of herbal product industry are price
and quality of crude drug. To enhance competitiveness and sustainable development of the
country, the Department for Development of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine,
Ministry of Public Health, has collaborated with several public and private organizations
including local communities to conduct a comparative study of the herb quality between
Thai and Chinese varieties. Preliminary study showed that both varieties contained same
group of saponins, but Chinese variety produced yield about 33.33 % higher than that of
Thai one (dry weight). Furthermore, Chinese one grew well and the plant could be
harvested at only about two and a half months old with 13.28 % of total saponins content
(the minimal content stated in the quality specification was 8.0 %). Normally, the plant is
harvested at about 6 months old. Subsequent harvest can begin again about 3-6 months
after the plants have matured. It was also found that the amount of active principles varied
depending on the age of the plant.
Key Words : Panjakhan, Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino, Thai and Chinese
varieties, quality, saponins.
ªí≠®¢—π∏å (Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino «ß»å Cucurbitaceae) ‡ªìπ
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