Page 81 - วารสารปีที่16ฉบับที่2
P. 81
the effects of applying pressure to the same The BLs
lines and points of the abdominal and back The first direction of CTTM was usually
regions. The presence of organs, muscles, from caudal to rostral of the body. Except
arteries, nerves and bones were recorded nap practice massage was from rostral to
photographically. caudal.
After dissection, RWL and RNL were
shown in three similar layers (superficial to
The averages of the force pressure value deep structures). In the first layer, these lines
(kg) of one researcher during massage along ran along the ileum, transverse colon and the
the points and lines in the volunteers are re- body part of stomach. In the second layer,
ported in Table 2 (Figure 1). The averages of the lines corresponded to the superior me-
a force pressure value were used to estimate senteric vein (SMV) draining into the hepatic
the depth structures in relation to BLs, MPs portal vein. In the third layer, both lines ran
and SPs in this study. parallel to the inferior vena cava (IVC) and
In the participants, tympanic percussion the anterior surface of vertebral bodies L3 to
and auscultation at BLs, MPs, and SPs found T10 level from caudal to rostral (Figure 8 and
a bowel sound in the abdominal region and a Table 3).
dull tone in the back region. The anatomical In cadavers, LWL and LNL were similar
structures in the cadavers did not differ be- in the three layers (superficial to deep struc-
tween male and female. tures). In the first layer, these lines paralleled
the jejunum, transverse colon and the body
part of stomach. In the second layer, the lines
corresponded and paralleled the superior
Table 2 Showing averages amount of pressure mas-
sage (kg) and S.D. in the volunteers (n = 6) mesenteric artery (SMA) that supplied blood
into the small intestine. In the third layer,
Points and lines mean (kg)
both lines paralleled the abdominal aorta
1) WL and NL 4.8 ±0.38
(AbA) and the anterior surface of vertebral
2) LB 10.6 ±0.68
bodies L3 to T10 level from caudal to rostral
3) LS 8.5 ±0.36
4) MPs 4.8 ±0.38 (Figure 9 and Table 3). These were confirmed
5) ASP 1-4 6.5 ±0.40
by pressing on these lines in volunteers, which
6) ASP5 (Poed Pratu Lom point) 4.6 ±0.25
caused decreased dorsalis pedis arterial pulse.
7) BSP 1-5 12.5 ±0.37
There were different structures between