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                Development of Classification and Coding for Thai Traditional Digital
                Knowledge of Thailand
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                Rutchanee Chantraket  Usa Klinhom , Yongsak Tontipidog , Paranat Suksud ,
                Sarunya Jansorn , Wanida Kamhongsa *
                *Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine, Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi 11000, Thailand.
                Society and Health Institute, Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi 11000, Thailand

                    The purpose of this qualitative study was to analyze and classify traditional knowledge in Thai
                traditional medical textbooks and formularies, and identify standard codes suitable for Thai traditional medical
                knowledge system. Strengthening the capability to safeguard Thai traditional medical heritage was the main
                expected outcome of this study. The study was composed of two stages: First, studying the protection system
                of traditional medical knowledge in the Republic of India, the Republic of Korea and the Peopleûs Republic
                of China. This also included the study of Indian Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) and
                International Patent Classification (IPC). The second stage was the conduct of 20 focus group discussions for
                experts in Thai traditional medical scriptures to analyze and categorize the contents in 12 Thai medical
                scriptures so that standard codes could be identified appropriately. The results should that the Thai Traditional
                Digital Knowledge Classification (TTDKC) conforms to the international classification system. TTDKC
                comprises five levels of classification, including 2 sections. The 12 classes, 27 sub-classes, 55 groups and
                2,176 sub-groups. The standard code in TTDKC is expected to be a tool for management of traditional
                medical knowledge, the examination of intellectual property rights, and the protection of traditional know-
                ledge from bio-piracy. It is also useful for devising research questions and it should be continually revised in
                parallel with that for Thai indigenous medicine in the future.

                    Keywords: Classification, Thai Traditional Digital Knowledge Classification (TTDKC), Thai tradi-
                               tional medicine


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