Page 12 - วารสารการแพทย์แผนไทยและการแพทย์ ทางเลือก ปีที่ 19 ฉบับที่ 2 พฤษภาคม-สิงหาคม 2564
P. 12
(6) วารสารการแพทย์แผนไทยและการแพทย์ ทางเลือก ปีที่ 19 ฉบับที่ 2 พฤษภาคม-สิงหาคม 2564
2. Ethical policy and ethics of the Jour- 3.4 The editor shall examine and protect
nal of Thai Traditional and Alternative the intellectual property standards of the
Medicine technical/research articles published in the
2.1 The editor and the editorial board Journal, and examine to avoid publishing
have to ensure that the operations of Journal duplications and plagiarism.
are carried out according to its policy, objec- 3.5 The editor has got a system for
tives and ethics, and take a suitable action managing conflicts of interest among the
against the author or technical/research arti- editor, the author, the reviewers and the edi-
cle that has been found to violate the code of torial board to ensure appropriate review and
ethics. publication of technical and research articles.
2.2 The technical/research article to be 3.6 The editor and the editorial board
published in the Journal must have been ex- shall select experts or reviewers in relevant
amined to avoid publishing duplications and technical fields and from various organizations
plagiarism as well as a conflict of interest in within and outside the Department of Thai
the review and publication process of such an Traditional and Alternative Medicine, and
article. create as well as update the Author’s Instruc-
tions on a continual basis.
3. Responsibilities of the editor 3.7 The editor has got a process for
3.1 The editor is responsible for all the cancelling the technical article that has been
operations of the Journal of Thai Traditional found later that it contains a substantial error
and Alternative Medicine as per the Journal’s or does not follow the author’s responsibility.
objectives, and shall improve its accuracy and
quality standards on a continual basis. 4. Author’s responsibilities
3.2 The editor creates a process for 4.1 The author must have honesty,
selecting and examining technical/research morality, ethics and technical independence
articles to be submitted for quality assessment without bias in all research steps [as per the
or review according to the Journal’s policy and Researcher’s Professional Ethics and Practical
objectives. Guidelines of the National Research Council
3.3 The editor shall not disclose the in- of Thailand, B.E. 2554 (2011)].
formation about technical/research articles, 4.2 The author must report technical/re-
authors and reviewers to other people in the search results, based on the study’s facts and
peer-review process, except that he/she is re- correct data without any false and distorted
quested for good reason and the disclosure will data, and prepare an article or manuscript ac-
not have any negative impact on any relevant cording to the “Author’s Instructions, revised
persons. 2019’’.