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J Thai Trad Alt Med Vol. 18 No. 3 Sep-Dec 2020
4.3 The author must make reference to a technical/research article and giving techni-
other people’s findings that appear in his/her cal comments or recommendations on such an
own article, and must have technical honesty article in a fair and unbiased manner, assisting
without any plagiarism in whole or in part. the editor in considering the appropriateness
4.4 The author should try to avoid a of the article’s publication in the Journal, and
conflict of interest in the process of research assisting the author in improving the article’s
and/or the publication of research findings. accuracy and quality.
This kind of relationship might be positive, 5.2 The reviewer should review a tech-
negative, personal, business or financial in nical/research article in the field of his/her
nature, and might cause bias in the research expertise and should withdraw from the review
undertaking. If the author anticipates a conflict if he/she is not in a position to carry out such
of interest in his/her research process, he/she a review for any reason by notifying the editor.
needs to disclose it to the editor in advance; 5.3 The reviewer must not have a conflict
and the funding source has to be mentioned of interest or a competing interest with the
in the acknowledgements section. author or the article that he/she is reviewing.
4.5 The author must be responsible for 5.4 The reviewer must maintain confiden-
his/her own findings and certify that the work tiality of the technical/research article under
has neither been published, nor in the process his/her review, and should not express any
of being reviewed for publication, in another opinions or discuss/exchange anything related
journal. to the unpublished article. In case the reviewer
4.6 The author must state the names of wishes to have a co-reviewer, consent must be
all other co-authors or co-researchers as well obtained from the editor in advance; and the
as each one’s clear role and proportion of con- co-reviewer’s name must also appear in the
tribution, in case he/she is not the sole author. review form.
4.7 In case the author commits a wrong- 5.5 If the reviewer has found that any part
doing concerning author’s responsibilities, of the technical/research article under review
particularly clauses 4.2–4.5, the editorial board is similar to, or a duplicate work of, another
shall disqualify his/her publication in the article, he/she must notify the editor for further
Journal of Thai Traditional and Alternative action as appropriate.
Medicine for at least three years, and shall also 5.6 The reviewer should recommend
notify the author’s organization as the case other important and useful technical/research
may be. articles to which the author has not made any
reference, but not the reviewer’s works.
5. Reviewer’s responsibilities
5.1 The reviewer plays a role in reviewing