Page 68 - วารสารปีที่15ฉบับที่2
P. 68


                 A Signal Acupressure Point Testing Set for Thai Therapeutic Massage

                               *, ‡
                 Prarin Chupawa , Kiattisin Kanjanawanishkul , Peerapong Phudonpho , Ekkawit Sappat ,
                 Piyaporn Sansila †
                 *Mechatronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham 44150, Thailand.
                  Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham 44000, Thailand.
                  Corresponding author:
                     In a practical test of Applied Thai Therapeutic Massage for Thai traditional medicine students, they
                 have to perform finger pressure directly on any signal points of the body. The magnitude of force and the
                 duration of applying force are theoretically evaluated by the lecturer. Traditionally, the evaluation method is
                 based on the lecturerûs experience and observation individually. Thus, to clarify and standardize the evalua-
                 tion, we studied and designed a signal acupressure point testing set for Thai Therapeutic Massage. The FSR
                 (force sensing resistor) sensor was adopted for the force measuring device of finger pressure. The error
                 percentage was about 2.72 compared to the weighting scale. It was acceptable based on the lecturerûs point
                 of view for the practical use. Then, the developed testing set was evaluated by lecturers and students of
                 applied Thai traditional medicine program. It was found that the developed signal acupressure point testing set
                 enabled them to know the lever of their force and the duration of applying force through the wireless network
                 that were shown on the screen in the form of graph, number, and status signals.

                     Keywords: signal acupressure, Thai traditional medicine, Thai therapeutic massage, force sensing

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