Page 90 - วารสารกรมการแพทย์แผนไทยฯ ปีที่ 10 ฉบับที่ 3
P. 90

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                                          Key Words Index

                                            Volume 10, 2012

             10 main energy lines (sen prathan sib) 42  krai-kruea                  93

             A                                          M
             acupuncture                  186           medicinal plants            176
             aedes aegypti larvae         114
             antibiotic resistance        176           N
             aristolochic acid            93            numbness in the lower extremities 186

             B                                          O
             bone setters                 212           orthopedics                 212

             C                                          P
             clinical evaluation          212           participatory action research (par) 114
             crude of derris scandens benth  123
             D                                          quality of life             51
             Derris scandens (roxb.) benth.  114        quality patients            51
             Dhammanamai health promotion program 51
             diabetes patients            51            R
             diabetic peripheral neuropathy  186        resistance-modifying agent  176
                                                        RP-TLC                      93
             Escherichia coli             22            S
                                                        Sen Prathan Sib             10
             F                                          service delivery            197
             factor                       197           Staphylococcus aureus       22
                                                        Staphylococcus epidermidis  22
             H                                          synergism                   176
             herbal formulas              93
             HPTLC                        93            T
                                                        Ten primary energy lines    10
             I                                          Thai massage therapist      42
             ibuprofen                    123           Thai massage                10
                                                        thai traditional medicine   197
             K                                          Theory of element (tard)    42
             Klebsiella pneumonia         22            traditional Thai medicine   51
             knee osteoarthritis          123
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91