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J Thai Trad Alt Med                                    Vol. 21  No. 3  Sep-Dec  2023  633

            ACE, and alpha-amylase. The findings from   Health, Thailand. Funds have been used in
            this study indicated the potential of Kratom ex-  areas of experimentation, analysis, interpre-

            tract as Alzheimer’s disease and anti-diabetes.   tation of data. The funding body had no role
            However, additional in vitro and in vivo assay   in the design of the study or interpretation of
            models, as well as clinical trials are required to   the results.

            establish conclusively the potential of Kratom
            for use as a traditional medicine or dietary               References
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            ment of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public    Gazette. No. 138 Section 35A. page 1–3. (in Thai)

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