Page 148 - Acrobat J Trad-21-3-2566
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J Thai Trad Alt Med Vol. 21 No. 3 Sep-Dec 2023 631
µg/mL, respectively. However, in our study, anti-inflammation, inhibition of tau protein
all Kratom extracts exhibited higher anti-AChE aggregation and accumulation of amyloid b,
activity compared to their methanolic Kratom as well as clinical trials, are necessary.
extract, although mitragynine still showed Regarding anti-diabetes, alpha-glucosi-
superior activity. This finding confirmed the dase inhibitors act by inhibiting the degrada-
effect of Kratom on AChE inhibition . Inter- tion of disaccharide to monosaccharide as the
estingly, Kratom extract demonstrated the absorbable sugar formation causing the reduc-
most significant inhibitory effects on BuChE, tion of blood sugar level in diabetes patients .
suggesting that it may provide substantial The KE70 and KE50 exhibited moderate in-
benefits for patients with chronic Alzheimer’s hibitory activity on alpha-glucosidase which
disease. Additionally, the relationship be- was approximately three times lower than
tween BuChE and the formation of b-amyloid the positive drug, acarbose. These results
plaques has been reported in the previous were consistent with a previous study con-
study . Other studies demonstrated that ducted by Limcharoen and colleagues, which
BuChE provided better benefits for late phase demonstrated the potential inhibitory effects
Alzheimer’s patients due to their tolerance to of Kratom extracts on the alpha-glucosidase
AChE inhibitors. [31-32] With regard to phyto- enzyme. However, our study conducted dif-
chemicals, we suggested that mitragynine and ferent extraction solvent and method from their
other indole alkaloids, which are prominent study. Another study by Purintrapiban and
constituents of Kratom may play an impor- colleagues demonstrated that aqueous Kratom
tant role in inhibition of AChE and BuChE. extract increased glucose transport to muscle
Furthermore, the high anti-oxidant activity of cells by enhancing the activities of the key
Kratom have been reported by several previous enzymes that depend on insulin-stimulated
studies [10,16,29] which may encourage the benefit glucose transport for their acute action in vitro.
of Kratom in Alzheimer’s disease. Based on Additionally, the extract increased the glucose
these reasons, we suggest that Kratom extract transporters (GLUT1) in long-term effect.
may have potential as AChE and BuChE in- These suggested the potential of Kratom as
hibitors in Alzheimer’s disease. Nevertheless, an anti-diabetes, however, further investiga-
further investigations on activities associated tion is required to identify the responsive
with anti-Alzheimer’s disease both in vitro and constituents, and conduct in vivo studies and
in vivo, including neuroprotective activity, clinical trials.